My morning in pictures:
6:45 am: Nibble on tupperware while Mama prepares breakfast. Fake hand being caught in drawer.
7:15 am - Eat bananas, toast and cheese for breakfast. Try to escape high chair 10 - 20 times.
800 am - Read "Eco Babies Wear Green" with Mama. Point to all circular objects and make sound "tsss".
8:15 am - Strip down from dirty sleeper before milk and nap. Survey toys to decide which ones I will play with upon waking up.
915 am - Wake up from nap. Wait for Mama to pick up Lamba Lamba and Woof Woof (aka "the twins") from my floor.
10:00 am - Eat egg, yogurt, fruit and biscuit for brunch. Taunt Mama by putting large piece of biscuit in mouth and chomp teeth so she can not remove it.
11:00 am - Listen to "Latin Playground" music while Mama dresses me (outfit #3) for grocery store to buy ingredients for special dinner for Daddy (including a football shaped cake for no reason at all. Best reason of all, Mama says.) Climb stairs to top like Rocky, except reach for light fixture rather than pump fists when goal is reached.

12:00 pm - Climb up on box and reach for the lady on the box when mama asks, "where's mama?"

The end.
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