Saturday, January 31, 2009

My Daddy, Mr. Bubble Blower

My daddy can blow bubbles that are as big as my head (almost). See it floating above me? I can't wait until Bring Your Daddy Into Work Day. Forget his job --- I'm showcasing his talent!

Monday, January 26, 2009

To My President

Ever since you took office, I see the world through star-shaped glasses. Whatever that means.

Happy Birthday, Jayden!

Share the love, cuz, share the love.... what, Mama? I'm just helping him out. And this stuff is goooood. Gave me super-power-energy that made me bounce off walls for about three hours afterwards.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Big Plans

We have big plans, Mama and me.
(Yes, Daddy, you are included, too, but Mama and I spend a lot of time together, as you know.)
Sometimes, Mama asks, "Amelia, do you want to go on an exciting adventure today?"
I love adventures! I crawl over to Mama's boots by the door, and point to them, and sometimes even hug them. Take me on an adventure, Mama!
Sometimes, the adventure is the Whole Foods that we visit A LOT.
Sometimes, its a place I've never been before.
Like a frozen lake at Cape Cod.
And, sometimes, Mama has more fun than I do. (See below.)
But that's ok.
I love our adventures, because its me and Mama.
We have big plans. Big plans, we say!

Monday, January 19, 2009

A Winter Errand in the City

Bundled up and on our way... Arrive at destination.

Back home; Gift in tow.
Mission Accomplished.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Dishes: My Way

First, check the water to make sure it is the right temperature.
Next, make sure the water pressure is nice and strong.

Then, jump in and start washing!

The end.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Big Girls Do Sign

Wanna see my sign language? Yes? Ok...
Over there. As in, take me over to the kitchen now, Mama, I'm hungry!!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Game

All in. All out. The game begins with "all in", and ends with "all out".


How long did they say winter was?

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I'm a walkin', I'm a talkin', I'm a signin'

In addition to being sick, we've been bored. Mama calls it cabin fever. And so perhaps that's why I chose to start walking today. I took my first series of steps back in August. Since then I mostly prefer to crawl. I am a speed crawler, you see. Mama and Daddy gave up hope that I might start walking, as I've been very content on all fours. Until today. At about 11am this morning, I stood up, walked, and kept on walking all day long. Sometimes I fall down, but I get right back up. Sometimes I clap for myself; I am so proud. Mama will post a video soon. All in a days work, I tell you.
And I talk, too. Here is a run down of my favorite words:
Nahnah - Not now (repeating Mama's oft uttered phrase; I anticipate this phrase and offer it up for her)
Ccckkkie - Cookie
Ccckkkieg - Cooking (as in, the burner is on)
Oh - Out
Muh - Mama (I know, Mama is an easy word, but I prefer to draw out a long "Muuhhhhh")
Dada - Daddy, of course. I say this one a lot.
Bo - Bowl
Dondair - Downstairs
Moo - Moon and the sound cows make, when asked
Kkk - Pig
And, of course, the universal...
Ba - as in bottle, book, balloon, sheep's ba, ball, bath, breakfast, bagel, blueberries. Basically, everything else.
Luckily, I also am a sign-language machine these days. I now sign for diaper change (and I am quite reliable actually), eat, more, all done, let's go.
I am, officially, a toddler.

Monday, January 5, 2009

When a Cold Comes to Town...

We stay in pjs all day and build towers...

I ride my bike around the house (in between nose wipes):

I get to eat snacks in my new cart:

And, even though I'm a little under the weather, we bundle up and go for a sledding ride...

Life is (still) good.