Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!!!

Here's the scoop in our house today. There are all kinds of decorations around, including balloons! I love balloons! And Mama has bats in her hair. And there is an ugly orange color everywhere; the food is orange, the table is orange, orange things everywhere. Except for me. I am about to get dressed in my purple and yellow "Amazing Amelia" Super-hero costume. My power? Charm. All charm. I charm you to get whatever my little heart desires. It works with Daddy, at least.

Auntie Bridgie brought her camera, so I hope Mama can figure out how to post pictures soon. My friends, Matilda and Nola, and maybe Sam and Eila and Niebh, are coming over.

I don't know why today is different than yesterday or tomorrow, but I think I like it!! Happy Halloween to you and yours!

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