In addition to being sick, we've been bored. Mama calls it cabin fever. And so perhaps that's why I chose to start walking today. I took my first series of steps back in August. Since then I mostly prefer to crawl. I am a speed crawler, you see. Mama and Daddy gave up hope that I might start walking, as I've been very content on all fours. Until today. At about 11am this morning, I stood up, walked, and kept on walking all day long. Sometimes I fall down, but I get right back up. Sometimes I clap for myself; I am so proud. Mama will post a video soon. All in a days work, I tell you.
And I talk, too. Here is a run down of my favorite words:
Nahnah - Not now (repeating Mama's oft uttered phrase; I anticipate this phrase and offer it up for her)
Ccckkkie - Cookie
Ccckkkieg - Cooking (as in, the burner is on)
Oh - Out
Muh - Mama (I know, Mama is an easy word, but I prefer to draw out a long "Muuhhhhh")
Dada - Daddy, of course. I say this one a lot.
Bo - Bowl
Dondair - Downstairs
Moo - Moon
and the sound cows make, when asked
Kkk - Pig
And, of course, the universal...
Ba - as in bottle, book, balloon, sheep's ba, ball, bath, breakfast, bagel, blueberries. Basically, everything else.
Luckily, I also am a sign-language machine these days. I now sign for diaper change (and I am quite reliable actually), eat, more, all done, let's go.
I am, officially, a toddler.